“Star Wars FPS”

Respawn Entertainment, 2021 - 2024, Unreal Editor 5

This was the next game for my team after shipping Medal of Honor: Above and Beyond. We built a big team up from a very small group of people we had on the previous project, spent a year in preproduction standing up pillars of the game through countless prototypes, establishing pipelines and philosophies, then another 2 years in production developing content. After 3 years in development, the game was unfortunately cancelled.

Detailed work samples from this project are strictly confidential, and can only be shared with the employees of Electronic Arts. If you are one and would like to see my internal portfolio, please reach out through company communication lines.


My prototypes explored core mechanics and mission flow in the form of card games, game modes, mission generating systems, and action blocks (small levels with designer art and first-pass gameplay scripting).

We had something like a game jam period where we pitched these projects alone, or with other developers. The main thesis of my prototypes was how we would present meaningful choices for the player, and turning information to use in making such choices into a valuable resource.

Action block levels that I pitched and developed at this phase took place in the diverse environments that the Star Wars franchise is loved for. In addition to layout design and encounter scripting, I scripted level-specific mechanics / gimmicks.


Once the content production of the game started, my main duties were delivering design docs and starting production on my missions with all departments, then blocking out those levels and scripting gameplay for them.

In addition to level work, I was also the DRI (Directly Responsible Individual, similar to feature owner / pod leader) of a feature that served as a vessel for the meta systems and progression of the game. My tasks included leading the design direction and documentation and managing multiple departments’ tasks for the Pod’s deliverables on each milestone.

Due to my role above, I also shared game flow scripting duties with the other system designers.

Leadership and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion work

During this project, I took on opportunities to train myself for a leadership role. I was entrusted with the task of mentoring / teaching mission designers ranging from interns to mid-level full timers. I had dedicated hours every week to go over their work, provide feedback, and at times help in addressing any concerns.

I also launched an initiative to push for DEI in our project. Work on this included setting up partnerships with consulting teams at EA and co-hosting workshops for the team, running discussion groups, and generally becoming a resource / point of contact for anyone needing research or feedback on their work.


Medal of Honor: Above and Beyond - Singleplayer